JUST FIND HIM! >CKitties like to sit on paper, don'tcha know? People who like to talk about their cats also like to talk about how kitties sit on a tiny scrap of paper in the middle of the floor because it's so cute and weird. "HOW COME THEY SIT ON THE TINIEST SCRAP OF PAPER, AMIRITE? LOLOLOL"
Boss doesn't mess around. He gets a big stack of paper. I have no idea what his accent sounds like...could be Australian, could be UK, iunno yet.
Also, the Doc's scanner does, like, everything. See how the little dimensional particle waves look like snakes? Yeah. B3
Sorry the composition of this page is so weird. I couldn't figure out how to fit the dialogue on there and have it not cover up too much of the paper stack so you could still tell what it is. :| Hrm.
Also, sorry this page is like 24 hours late. My life is eating my comic right now.