October 31, 2011

Cats Fur To Make Kitten Britches

Cats Fur To Make Kitten Britches
First of all, my name is Kathryn DiMartino and I'm an illustrator!
Here's my portfolio already.

If you're wondering what the hell this is, Cat's Fur is a serial comic, which I plan on updating weekly (after these first couple of pages, which I'll release over the next week.)

Cat's Fur began as an amalgamation of all my characters over the years smashed together in a comic. Then I watched way too much Sgt. Frog and ended up with some little multi-colored cat villains. And that's pretty much where we are now. :D

Cat's Fur isn't intended as anything serious except in the sense that I'm serious about making it. It's an outlet for all the crazy and stupid things in my head. A sandbox in which my inner demons can come out and play, if you will. Weird things happen here... This comic is inspired by a number of things and will probably reference them, as well as a multitude of other obscure and/or cult movies, comics, cartoons, and so on. That is not to say that I'm going to let the comic be ultra-derivative and totally un-unique, but I'm not trying that hard to make it TOTALLY unlike anything you've ever seen before either.
I think it's okay to be like other things, as long as those other things are awesome.

Cat's Fur is my first serial comic, and my very first webcomic. So take it easy on me, divas! At least I'm not making another stick figure / sprite comic, right? (LOL)