Introducing Fishbones, AKA Dr. McRib! He's my favorite evil kitty because he looks like my real life kitty, on whom his creations are also based. Plus he wears little latex finger gloves as paw gloves. C:Also introducing the S.T.A.N.K. headquarters, which is inspired by the Hall of Justice/Cincinnati Union Terminal but minus the reflecting-pool-thing (most cats hate water.)
Sidenote: Why do evil groups and villains always settle in the city? If they don't, they're in some ridiculous lair in a volcano or the deep ocean or outer space or a canyon.
I like my new trees technique and non-outlined speech bubs. I hesitated on writing Lox's first line because I was a little worried no one would understand what Lox was saying. Such is the nature of country accents.
P.S. I wonder what Z's taste like.