January 27, 2012

NO. 14

Introducing Fishbones, AKA Dr. McRib! He's my favorite evil kitty because he looks like my real life kitty, on whom his creations are also based. Plus he wears little latex finger gloves as paw gloves. C:
Also introducing the S.T.A.N.K. headquarters, which is inspired by the Hall of Justice/Cincinnati Union Terminal but minus the reflecting-pool-thing (most cats hate water.)

Sidenote: Why do evil groups and villains always settle in the city? If they don't, they're in some ridiculous lair in a volcano or the deep ocean or outer space or a canyon.

I like my new trees technique and non-outlined speech bubs. I hesitated on writing Lox's first line because I was a little worried no one would understand what Lox was saying. Such is the nature of country accents.
P.S. I wonder what Z's taste like.

January 20, 2012

No. 13

Astaroth really shows her stuff. Who knew trans-dimensional teleportation could seem so lazy? I guess Lox got what she wanted, anyway.

I wanted to see how it would go if I just used one of the final sketches as line art and colored it in. This is the result.
A fun experiment and a tiny bit of a time saver but I'm not thrilled with it, and it's not something I will do again unless I'm in a huge rush. It's energetic and nervous to be sure, but with some of the "fiddly bits" on characters (like how many angles Reat's hair has, for example) it gets confusing and hard to understand visually. As nice as my sketches are, they look sloppy in a digital format.

Might one day re-do.

January 6, 2012

NO. 11

Lox is a boss!  Reat bites! Trying out some speech bub styles.

This page and the next page will be a little weird on the page because I didn't draw them the right size originally. Measure twice, divas. I know I said that one of the earlier pages was the last time I'd do that but I guess I lied. :|