February 17, 2012

NO. 17

Fishbones continues his little trip down into the lair, passes more robots and some long cats. Reports to the Boss.
Bosscat ain't pleased. Kitty growl.

The last panel has a kind of "sugary sweet Dr. Seuss" feel to it that I kind of like.
Sometimes I feel like I go a little overboard with the halftone gradients. Then I'm like "LOL NO SUCH THING :D"

I probably won't be doing a lot of close-ups of these cats except in the same way I've been doing them for Lox. Significant head/face features are important, like a brain bowler hat jar or sharp teeth or interesting eyeballs, but the cats just aren't built for detail.
Gods, they're barely built for more than two dimensions (Do you know how hard it was to figure out how these Powerpuff-legged cats walk? I got some good suggestions though *BAHAHA*)